Why have I been practicing yoga for so long and it still doesn't work

Views: 137     Author: Sky     Publish Time: 2023-06-19      Origin: Site

After practicing yoga for a long time, why is your body still so stiff/weak? Why is it still too fat or too thin? Why can't you do a headstand? Why is the mood still up and dow3

So, is it time to ask yourself, do you practice at least 3 times a week? 3 times is not enough, in order to be more effective, practice every day is the hard truth.


Do you practice with awareness each time? Keep your emotions out of the yoga room, Do each pose with awareness of the body, feeling each part of the body.

Do you focus on breathing during each exercise? Instead of dwelling on your progress, watch your breathing. Do you hold your breath while practicing? Any deep breathing? Did you find a match between breathing and movement?

Is there a microcore for each exercise? The core is stable, the body is light, the transition from pose to pose is more smooth, and the breathing will become deeper.

Do you practice in a targeted way? Maybe you have a stiff shoulder or lower back pain, Perhaps you want to challenge the headstand, handstand, so, do you have targeted areas of practice to open the shoulders, stretch the lower back?


Do you bring practice to life? In class, stomach and chest, then in life, sitting, walking? Take what you learn in class and apply it to your life. One hour in class and 23 hours out of class is the real challenge.

Do you go to bed early and get up early? Do you pay attention to healthy eating? Health is closely related to physical exercise, diet and sleep. If you practice yoga, you still stay up late or overeat, the results can be imagined.


Have you tried meditating? Practicing breathing? Yoga is not only asanas, asanas are only one of the eight branches of yoga, there are others that need to be practiced, such as meditation and breathing. More inner peace and awareness can be found through meditation and breathing.








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